Job content

美 [dʒoʊb ˈkɑːntent]英 [dʒəʊb ˈkɒntent]
  • 网络工作内容;岗位职责
Job contentJob content
  1. The validation of Chinese Version of Job Content Questionnaire in Health Professionals


  2. Reliability and Validity of Job Content Questionnaire in Gas-oil Transport Industry Employees


  3. Shunting activity is an important job content of railway transportation production and service .


  4. The administrative deposition procedure is similar to the bankruptcy proceedings on the job content .


  5. It is notoriously difficult to do because evaluating job content has a subjective element .


  6. Objective To validate the Chinese version of Job Content Questionnaire ( JCQ , version 1.5 ) .


  7. Revealing that you have little preference for job content is not inspiring to a hiring manager .


  8. The most important of these is the actual job content ; does it fit in with your long term career goals and personal plans .


  9. According the different levels and functions of administration , job content , use different assessment objectives , assessment indicators and assess weight to design a corresponding performance appraisal system .


  10. Meanwhile the author has investigated the salesmen ' job content , working conditions on the spot , found the existing problems and reasons , analyzed the improved directions .


  11. Results were as follows : 1 . Career plateau contains four factors : Mentality plateau , hierarchical plateau and job content plateau and skills plateau . 2 .


  12. Main job content as follows : 1 . Date of quality of cigarette formula is processed by data mining and grey ahp is applied to find impact factors . 2 .


  13. Objective To evaluate the reliability and validity of Job Content Questionnaire ( JCQ22 ) in gas-oil transport industry employees and to analyze the extension of the questionnaire .


  14. In this study , Chinese scholars of the revised MBI-GS scale , Job Content Questionnaire and the revised scale for secondary school teachers on Mental Capital conducted a survey of secondary school teachers .


  15. The job content of the staff was mainly to preserve social order , guide farming production , and manage transactions in Commodity exchange ; in addition , they were also the teachers of Fanren School .


  16. It is always a difficult problem to establish a set of reasonable job content and a set of right standard for the job content , as the same to decide how much money the employee should be paid for .


  17. Whether single job content , boring work of beauty and reflect management ability is relatively " cold ", reflects the agricultural university and postgraduate work like behave , work diligently , weak desire of management to others .


  18. The main thesis job content and innovation are as follows : ( 1 ) Research support vector machines ( SVM ) algorithm principle , based on weighted support vector regression ( WSVR ) principle the fire detection methods .


  19. Objective To test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Job Content Questionnaire ( JCQ ) and Effort Reward Imbalance Questionnaire ( ERI ) based on the Job Demand Control Model and Effort Reward Imbalance Model respectively .


  20. Some of the environmental facilities such as seats , pavilion , lighting , signage , parking sheds , such as individual environmental elements , are campus landscape planning and design color and color of the object and job content .


  21. Research on Innovative Ability and the Option of Job Training Content in High-lever Track and Field Coaches in China


  22. According to preliminary research data , combined with the duty regulations and processes of each workshop , the researcher analyzed the characteristics of job duties and content , and factors affecting the allocation of key positions .


  23. They do such a good job at presenting the content that the information really stuck in my head .


  24. These aspects consist of four concept dimensions : individual gain , well-being of others , job stability , job content changes .


  25. This paper introduces the basic theory of the Big Five personality , and the Big Five traits evaluated , highlighting the Big Five personality and job satisfaction of the content .


  26. With the continual renovation , constant production of the new job and change of the occupational environment of the job content , the structural contradiction of enterprise human resources is conspicuous .


  27. An applicant needs to find out detailed job descriptions and ask employers to spend some time explaining the job content , said consultant Feng .


  28. People evaluate their job from various aspects , one of which is job autonomy and refers to job content and job atmosphere .
